Donate today
Help us keep people connected to what matters
Your donation can help us help more people connect with their communities.
With over 50,000 passenger trips made in the last year, government funding alone does not cover the cost of this demand.
We can only do this because of our committed volunteers, our sponsors and supporters, and donations from members of our community.
Easylink is a registered charity and all donations over $2 are tax deductible.
How would you like to help us today?
Why is access to transport so important?
Getting out and about is essential part of our ability to connect with community.
As people get older and increasingly live alone with limited mobility, or for people with a disability, the resulting social isolation is shown to negatively affect their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing (beyondblue, 2014).
Social connectedness, on the other hand, brings better health outcomes.
At Easylink, we’re committed increasing social connection for anyone who has difficulty using public or private transport, because we understanding its importance for wellbeing.
Help keep people connected
Your contributions are greatly appreciated. With over 50,000 passenger trips made in the last year, government funding alone does not cover the cost of this demand.
Leave a lasting gift for your community
Making a bequest
As a registered charity, we welcome your bequest
A gift of great generosity and compassion, your bequest leaves behind a lasting legacy.
Give a gift that keeps on giving
By making a bequest in your will, you are making a commitment to provide for those who are vulnerable in our community. Bequests, both large and small, are an opportunity to make a real difference.
Help us continue our work
Your contribution will help us continue our mission of connecting people with their communities, achieving social inclusion and overcoming transport disadvantage.
How to make a bequest
Easylink recommends seeking legal advice when preparing your will and bequest. To ensure your wishes are legally binding, you should seek professional advice from a legal adviser.
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