Easylink is committed to meeting the needs of our diverse population, including people from different cultures, people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island descent and people with disability.
Rights & Responsibilities
Your Rights
- To be treated and accepted as an individual, and have your preferences respected
- To exercise control and choice when you use our services or support
- To be treated with dignity and respect• To exercise control and choice when you use our services or support
- To have full and effective use of human, legal and consumer rights, including freedom of speech
- To have access to advocates and other avenue of redress
- To be free from discrimination or harm
Easylink’s Responsibilities
- Provide support that meets your needs, once these are agreed, in a manner consistent with all relevant laws
- Communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner
- Treat you with courtesy and respect
- Consult you on decisions about how supports are provided
- Ensure your safety and actively prevent harm occurring to you
- Give you notice if we need to change an appointment
- Protect your privacy and confidential information
For more information on your rights, please contact us on 02 9919 0700 or access the Charter of Care Recipients Rights and Responsibilities.
If you need more support in decision making, you may use an advocate of your choice to negotiate for you. This may be a family member, friend or an independent advocacy agency who you authorise to represent your interests.
Please notify us in writing, of a chosen advocate. For further information, contact:
The National Aged Care Advocacy Line: 1800 700 600
People with Disability Advocacy Australia (PWD): 1800 422 015
TTY: 1800 422 016
Feedback, Complaints or Suggestion
We want to provide excellent service today and in the future, however, issues can occur. If you have some feedback, concerns or a complaint, please contact Easylink’s General Manager on 02 9919 0700 or email [email protected]. We will listen to your feedback and aim to resolve problems quickly, in confidence. If the issue is still not satisfactorily resolved, you can contact one of the agencies below.
Older People
People aged 65 years and older, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 50 and older, can contact the Australian Government’s Aged Care Complaints Scheme.
Phone: 1800 550 552
People with Disability
NDIS Quality & Safeguard Commission:
Phone: 1800 035 544
TTY: 133 677
Website accessibility
We aim to make our website usable by all people, of all abilities through working to comply with international guidelines: the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
If you find anything on the site difficult to use please contact us with details of your experience.

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